
The Pinnacle March is an annual event allowing you to see the Grove City Marching Band in full array. It is a wonderful event, where family & friends see the students marching in full contest uniform across the Pinnacle golf course. It is an event that brings tears to the eyes of almost everyone who views it.

This year's Pinnacle March takes place
on October 9, 2023, 6:00pm.

What is the Pinnacle March?

This is an annual event, now in its eighth year, which takes place at the Pinnacle Golf Club.  The band will march across the golf course to the ninth green, where they will stop and perform for the audience on the hill, that has been anxiously waiting to hear them.  You will need to bring your own seating; blankets or lawn chairs. 

The Pinnacle will be providing a cash-only concession stand. No coolers are allowed.

How do I get Tickets?

  • Students are selling the $5.00 tickets starting September 28th. So find a band student!
  • Tickets also on sale after Tuesday & Thursday practices until around 6:30pm.
  • Tickets are also available at the door at the Pinnacle Golf Club the night of the event.

For those needing assistance

Assistance is available for those who are disabled. If all disabled parking spots are taken. We will have a golf cart for transport from the back parking lots up to the entrance of Cimi's Bistro.

Pinnacle March Contact

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • 614-832-6302

This is a fun evening at a very reasonable ticket cost of $5.